Current Initiatives

File Sharing System

Blockchain-Based Secure Resource Sharing Between Companies

The Blockchain-Based Secure Resource Sharing project aims to create a decentralized platform that allows companies to securely share resources, such as data, software, and hardware, using blockchain technology. By leveraging the immutability, transparency, and security features of blockchain, this system ensures that the shared resources are accessed only by authorized parties, reducing risks of fraud, data breaches, and unauthorized access. This project is designed to facilitate collaboration between companies while maintaining strict security protocols.

Done by: Mohit R and Yashraj Nair

Technologies Used: Ethereum , IPFS , Infura , GO

File Sharing System

Subdomain Finder

The Subdomain Finder is a Python-based tool designed to identify and list all subdomains associated with a given website. This tool is useful for security researchers, penetration testers, and developers who need to explore the subdomain structure of a domain. By leveraging common subdomain discovery techniques, this project helps users map out the various subdomains of a target website for further security analysis or research.

Done by: Santosh S

Technologies Used: Python

File Sharing System

Fast Fashion Supply Chain Management Using Blockchain

The Fast Fashion Supply Chain Management project utilizes Hyperledger Fabric blockchain technology to optimize the fast fashion industry’s supply chain. In the research phase, this project aims to create a transparent, efficient, and secure system that tracks clothing items through the supply chain, from production to retail. The goal is to help companies manage inventory, assess demand, and ensure optimal production quantities, ultimately reducing waste and promoting sustainability.

Done by: Sudhanshu Bhardwaj

Technologies Used: Hyperledger Fabric , GO

Completed Research & Projects

File Sharing System


GoScan is a custom-built port scanner developed from scratch in the Go programming language, designed to identify open ports on target systems. Loosely inspired by the functionality of Nmap, GoScan offers an efficient, lightweight scanning tool that introduces students and developers to foundational concepts in network scanning and cybersecurity.

Done by: Chetan G

Technologies Used: GO

File Sharing System

Web Crawler

The Web Crawler is a tool developed in Python that systematically explores a website to extract and return unique URLs. It is designed to help users gather links from a given website, ensuring no duplicate URLs are included in the results. This project is built for educational purposes, providing insight into web scraping, data collection, and automation.

Done by: Joshua Briggs

Technologies Used: Python

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